How to configure nameserver in Linux - Kernel Talks

Why isn't the dns-nameservers line being honored when the machine boots up? Ubuntu 9.10, 2.6.31 kernel. Obviously, you will want to change eth0 to whatever your network card is called (hint: ifconfig) and change your dns-nameservers to whatever you want them to be. Now, if you want your DNS to come from your ISP then don't set any and it will work fine. Finally, restart your ethernet: $ service networking restart $ ifdown eth1 $ ifup eth1 Examples ifconfig. Running ifconfig with no options displays the configuration of all active interfaces.. ifconfig -a. Displays the configuration of all interfaces, both active and inactive. ifconfig eth0. View the network settings on the interface eth0, which (under Linux) is the first Ethernet adapter installed in the system.. ifconfig eth1 up -ifconfig parameters which are IP addresses can also be specified as a DNS or /etc/hosts file resolvable name. L=Bishkek, CN=Server-1' and -verify-x509-name Server-1 name or you could use -verify-x509-name Server- name-prefix if you want a client to only accept connections to "Server-1", "Server-2", etc.

28.4. Changing Domain DNS Configuration Red Hat Enterprise

All About Debian /etc/network/interfaces File – Linux Hint auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address network netmask broadcast up route add -net netmask 255.255 29.7. Domain Name System (DNS) - FreeBSD

The /etc/resolv.conf is the main configuration file for the DNS name resolver library. The resolver is a set of functions in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).The functions are configured to check entries in the /etc/hosts file, or several DNS name servers, or to use the host's database of Network Information Service (NIS).

For each interface you add dns-* options appropriate for the nameserver(s) available over that interface. E.g., if a nameserver at address is available over interface eth0, then add dns-nameservers to the iface eth0 stanza. How To Set Permanent DNS Nameservers in Ubuntu and Debian Sep 14, 2018 How to set DNS nameservers in Ubuntu Server 18.04 Jun 21, 2018